Ideas for Serving Him
* Orphans, organizing and implementing a strategy to reduce the cost of domestic adoption.
* Reworking a plan to feed the masses/ clothe the masses/ help the masses.
* Rework a strategy to invade neighborhood of the working poor.
* New Women's and Children's Shelter.
* Home for aftercare of human trafficking.
* Helping people in hospice.
* Dealing with mental health.
* Working in a Refugee Community in Bridgecroft on Central Ave.
* Working with the Aids Consortium.
Available Resources:
Triad Ladder of Hope ~ Sex Trafficking
National Trafficking Information and Referral
Hotline: 1.888.373.888
P: 336.883.2233 Ext. 223
E: triadladderofhope@north
Triad Ladder of Hope is a grassroots, faith base, non profit, non governmental organization dedicated to eradicating the exploitation, sale, and enslavement of victims.
Our Mission:
Triad Ladder of HOPE works to liberate women and children trapped in modern day slavery and give them Hope, safety, security, and freedom.
Partner with the Dept. of Health and Human Services Rescue and Restore Campaign. A National Christian Women's Job Corps site and part of the NC Ripple Collation.
Education: Educating the citizens of America is a key to eradicating modern day slavery. We offer presentations and enforcement, first responders, faith based community and organizations, health departments, NGO's, community, service and civic organizations.
As a service provider:
We provide a Christian context, wherein women are provided a safe environment, equipped for life, employment, and self-sufficiency, within a context wherein women help women.
Safety Net:
Working to rescue victims by working with law enforcement and other organizations. Offer assistance to victims.
There are 27 or more million people enslaved today. More than ever before in the history According to the Department of State. Approximately 600,000 to 800,000 victims annually are trafficked across international borders worldwide. According to the Department of State an estimated 14,500 to 17,500 of those victims are trafficked into the US. This number does not include US Citizens who become victims of exploitation of sex trafficking and labor trafficking.
A Childs Place ~ Homeless Children
P. 704.343.3790
With no permanent residence, homeless children often stop going to school -- the one place that should provide structure in a life of transition. Without the influence and stability of a classroom environment, these children lose more than a chance to learn. They also lose the crucial sense of belonging gained from interacting with friends and other students. But there is hope for these children -- and help -- through A Child's Place. Founded in 1989, A Childs Place is a collaborative effort between Charlotte, NC community and Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools.
The goals for A Child's Place are to:
* Provide stable, appropriate education to homeless students
* Provide support services to enhance their opportunities for academic success
* Provide services to families to ensure long term stability and self sufficiency.
Strategic Plan 2010 - 2012 manager/ACP_Strategic_plan_chart.pdf
Project Rescue ~ Sex Trafficking
P. 417.833.5564
Project Rescue is a ministry to women and children in sexual slavery focused on providing physical, emotional and spiritual rescue and holistic restoration. our multifaceted programs aim to provide a save environment for transformation and growth.
Rescuing today's young sexual slavery victims is nothing short of a miracle. Our efforts to remove women and girls who have been forced into prostitution begin with providing long-term shelter in a safe place in which trust and healing can develop. This often includes:
* Negotiating the terms of release of enslaved women and girls.
* Accepting trafficking victims who have been rescued during police raids and tacking them to one of our Homes of Hope.
* Intervening to get sex workers' children out of the brothels during their mothers' work hours and into safe and nurturing Project Rescue Night-Care Centers.
During the first year of our efforts, Project Rescue utilized our financial resources to dismiss many young girls' "debts" to brothel owners, so that her freedom could be obtained. As we began to better understand the sexual slavery trade and comprehend the horrors in trafficking system, however, we realized that this strategy only put money back into the hands of the organized crime; money that then used to enslave other young girls.
Today, Project Rescue takes a different approach. We've established strong relationships with local police, city government officials, and even brothel owners who have come to trust our organization. Project Rescue workers are now recognized and trusted in the cities' red-light districts and have become known for showing genuine kindness and demonstrating Christ's example of love in tangible ways.
My thoughts on organizations presented:
Well, it looks so far like the idea of stepping in behalf on those that are caught up in sex trafficking is what excites us the most. Triad Ladder of Hope looks like it's struggling in comparison to Project Rescue. I could see God using us with either; starting from scratch with a new Project Rescue or coming underneath Triad Ladder of Hope. We would have to be very creative with how to get everyone active in a mission like this. There would be many layers as to how to help; the front line, working with local police, building relationships, child care, fund raising, etc. It's a little overwhelming to think about, but it sounds God-sized to me, which fills me with energy.
I have no inclination yet as to what direction we might head in, but I'm excited about our new prospects.
Additionally, what does it look like to defend the widows and orphans in our area?
I love our small group already.
Meditation Scriptures:
Leviticus 19:18
1 Samuel 2:8
Psalms 82:3
Proverbs 14:31; 19:17; 21:13; 22:9; 28:27
Isaiah 58:6-11
Matthew 5:43-45; 19:19; 22:39; 25:34-46
Mark 12:31
2 Corinthians 9:7-15
Ephesians 2:8-10
James 1:27; 2:8; 2:14-24
1 John 3:17-19
Romans 13:9
Galatians 5:14
1 Timothy 6:17-19
Thoughts We Kicked Around
* Fasting one day a week while we seek the Lord for guidance and direction.
* Being open to either one of two solutions; allowing God to show us how to start from scratch, or provide energy for an organization that is already up and running.