Monday, January 17, 2011

Thoughts from tonight.

Tonight, Katie, Elliot and I snuck a peek at what's going on in the "ESL" department at Birchcroft, and despite a little chaos, we were completely overwhelmed with what God was up to.

The space was broken down into 4 areas; there where kids that were too young that were being entertained in the kitchen, elementary school aged kids in the living room, a group of middle/high school kids upstairs in a bedroom, and a group of girls in a separate apartment.

I was upstairs with the middle school/ high school boys.  They were writing summaries from Biblical stories they talked about in previous weeks.  I met Husain and Z.  They were both pretty cool boys.

There were 7 volunteers to my best count, but Chelsea (the leader) claims that there needs to be at least 4 more consistent volunteers that meet and teach curricula every week.  That shouldn't be a problem.

Needs I will be petitioning our congregation for:
1) 4-6 volunteers to meet at Birchcroft to teach ESL on Monday nights, 4-6.
2) "My First Message" by Eugeen Petterson, one for each teacher, so about 8 copies I would say.  They run about $20.00 a copy.
3) Dry erase boards & Markers w/ easels.
4) Notebooks
5) School Supplies

To my best of knowledge, I know they will need something more challenging for their older kids.  Let's see what we can do to help them out there.

What I need from you:
1) I need one of you (not Erica or Saucey) to work under me and help organize ESL from our end, eventually taking the reigns from me once the ball starts rolling.  Pray, and move as you feel led.

I'll see you all this Sunday night, 7:00pm.

I love our Small Group,

Ps.  If you have thought to prepare a letter for Jessica, we will be sending her our first care package next week.  I know she could use our encouragement and prayers.

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